Titolo opera: Oasis
Codice: 078 A
Artista: Michael Burke (New York)
Anno: 1992
Nazione: U.S.A.
Supporto: carta
Tecnica: incisione
Dimensioni: 31x36
Stile:scultura, grafica, incisione
Corrente artistica: contemporanea americana, sculture di grandi dimensioni (fino a 4 metri)
Stato conservazione: buono
Descrizione: firmato dall’autore sul fronte.
Michael Burke, Figlio del celebre filosofo statunitense Kennet Burke, risiede a New York e i suoi studi si sono svolti in due direzioni: scienza e architettura. A lungo professore di urbanistica alla Columbia University, per molti anni ricercatore in laboratori d’astrofisica (Smithsonian Astrophisical Observatory, 1963-67, Washington, Cambridge, Hawaii), con questo bagaglio d’esperienze nel’78 ha deciso di dedicare esclusivamente alla realizzazione di opere plastiche e grafiche.
L’influenza dell’astronomia e dell’architettura sono evidenti nel suo lavoro. Figure sinteticamente antropomorfe di dimensioni totemiche (raggiungono anche i 4 metri di altezza) recano incise sulla liscia epidermide immagini archeologiche e avveniristiche, in un’ambigua prospettiva di timori e speranze.
Le sue sculture in genere metalliche, ricavate dalle matrici delle sue stesse incisioni acquaforte, talvolta anche con interventi di altri materiali. Ha tenuto mostre personali presso l’accademia delle Scienze di New York e al Queen Museum di questa città, nonché in numerose gallerie pubbliche e private statunitensi e Italiane. In occasione delle celebrazioni liguri per il cinque centenario della scoperta dell’America ( Le Colombiadi, 1992) è stato invitato da Stelio Rescio a tenere una personale nella Sala Consiliare del Comune di Celle Ligure e una delle sue più recenti installazioni si è di nuovo tenuta a Savona (Circolo degli Artisti, al porto 2001). Tra le più significative manifestazioni di cui è stato protagonista in Italia sono anche da ricordare l’installazione “Neutrino Chronicles” che ha avuto per contesto un ipogeo etrusco a Bassano di Teverina nel Lazio (2000) ed è stata ripetuta nella chiesta gotica-normanna di santa Maria della Salute a Viterbo con lo stesso titolo. Quest’opera è stata successivamente acquistata dal museo Luigi Pecci di Prato e facendo parte della collezione permanente. Molte dagli anni ’80 le installazioni di Burke negli Stati Uniti, e in Germania, in genere ospitate da spazi pubblici o all’aperto. Ha partecipato, a numerose collettive in Giappone (Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima) e in Italia (Palazzo delle esposizioni, Roma - Fondazione Pagani, Pallanza, ecc.) e negli Stati Uniti, a cominciare dalla mostra “Once invisible” presso il Museum of Modern Art di New York. E’ anche poeta, e incide manualmente nelle matrici delle sue acqueforti, spesso impiegandole anche in intriganti libri oggetto che mescolano la carta al metallo.
Michael Burke's works consist of cut and etched aluminum sculpture, drawings, collage, prints and etchings, and a series of metal books. He has exhibited widely in the US, Japan, and Europe, including installations in an Etruscan tomb in Bassano in Teverina, a church in Viterbo, and at the port city of Savona.
His background includes astron omy, urban planning, teaching, poetry and writing. Having first studied science and architectural studies at Harvard University, he then began professionally as an astronomer withthe Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. The field allowed him to work in observatories from Hawaii to Iran. A second career followed when he returned to Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture and City Planning. He remained at Columbia to teach, and then worked with the city planning department in Lindsay's administration in NYC.
In the 70's he finally quit any structured employment, moved into an illegal loft in Tribeca, and began painting. Throughout his life he has written and published poetry and recently published a novel, Swan Dive.
Given this diverse background it is not surprising that Burke's art includes many references to science, architecture and literature.
2010 Kouros Gallery, NYC
2007 Galerie 1816, Bretenoux, France
2007 Andre Zarre Gallery, NYC
2007 River Stone Arts, Haverstraw, NY
2004 The Rockefeller University, NYC
2004 Museo Comunale d'Arte Moderna
Museo di Villa Colloredo a Ricanati, Italy
2004 Galleria Miralli, Palazzo Chigi, Viterbo, Italy
2003 The Threshold Center, NYC
2002 The Century Association, NYC
2001 Santa Maria della Salute, Installation, Viterbo, Italy
2001 ASYL Gallery, NYC
2000 Art Installation in an Etruscan Tomb,
Stelle Cadenti Arts Festival, Bassano in Teverina, Italy
2000 The Nightingale Bamford School, NYC
1999 ASYL Gallery, NYC
1995 Hunterdon Museum of Art, Clinton, NJ
1995 Galleria L'Eclisse, Rome, Italy
1992 Sala Consiliare Comune di Celle Ligure, Italy
1992 Williams Center for the Arts, Lafayette College, PA
1992 Cast Iron Gallery, NYC
1991 The Shipley School, PA
1990 New York Academy of Sciences, NYC
1989 Massman Gallery, Rockhurst College, Kansas City, MO
1988 Ben Shahn Gallery, William Paterson College, Wayne, NJ
1987 The Queens Museum, NYC
2009 Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY
2008 Kouros Sculpture Center, Ridgefield, Conn.
2006-7 “Quantum Stream,” Andover, NJ
2001 Il Circolo degli Artisti, Savona, Italy
1996 NYC Vertex, Spherical Triangle Project
1991 Meadowlands Convention Center, NJ
1987 Flushing Meadow Park, Queens, NYC
1984 Schloss Wertingen, West Germany
1984 Gartner Aluminum Works, Gundelfingen, West Germany
1984 Skulpturpark Trostberg, Wasserberg, West Germany
1983 Schloss Wertingen, West Germany
1983 Sudstahl Steelworks, Mertingen, West GermanY
Museo Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy
Museo Comunale d'Arte Moderna, Senigallia, Italy
Biblioteca Nationale, Florence, Italy
Special Collections; Paterno Library, Penn State Univ., PA
2010 The National Academy; Invitational Exhibition, NYC
2009 Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY
2008 Kouros Gallery, NYC
2008 The National Academy; Invitational Exhibition, NYC
2007 Centre du Livre D'Artiste Contemporain, Verderonne, France
Atlantic Gallery; “Playing for Keeps,” NYC
2006 River Stone Arts, Haverstraw, NY
Century Association, NYC; From Maquette to Monument
2004 Transformable Sculpture, Medialia, NYC
Stelle Cadenti, Bassano in Teverna, Italy
2003 Medialia Gallery
2002 Gary Snyder Fine Art, NYC
Bassano in Teverina, Italy
2001 Meguro Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Rassegna Internazionale D'Arte Contemporanea, Bassano in Teverina, Italy
2000 Scrittura/Materia; Bassano del Grappa, Italy
"Cartarte" = Paper Art; Pavia, Italy
Artist's Books, Century Association, NYC
1999 Stelle Cadenti, Bassano in Teverina, Italy
La Citta dell Arte, Rome, Italy
Medialia Gallery, “2000 Exhibition,” NYC
Rassegna D'Arte Contemporanea, Bassano in Teverina, Italy
Aster Plaza, Hiroshima City, Japan
1998 "Essence of Water," Biennial Ceremony, Kyoto, Japan
Il Brandale, Savona, Italy
Palazzo delle Esposizioni, "Il riscatto della lattina," Rome, Italy
Museo de Senigallia (Martini). Senigallia, Italy
1997 Century Association, NYC
Riparte 97, Rome, Italy
"Hidden Horizon," Gallery Miyazaki, Osaka, Japan
1996 Palazzo dei Convegni, Jesi, Italy
"Blau" @ Kulturkeller, Munich, Germany
Gallery Heian, Kyoto, Japan
Galleria Dieda, "Omaggio a Martini," Bassano, Italy
Isao Gallery, Nara, Japan
Gallery Miyazaki, Osaka, Japan
1995 Museo Pianeta Azzuro, Fregene, Italy
"Transformable Sculpture," Gallery Miyazaki, Osaka, Japan
Philadelphia Art Show, PA
Sculpture Showcase, PA
1994 Artists Space, NYC
"Heart Attack," West Broadway Rst., NYC
1993 Ramnarine Gallery, NYC
Cast Iron Gallery, NYC
1988 Gallerie Schwennenbacher Kreis, Hochstadt, West Germany
1987 Annual Print Show, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
1986 Il Luogo, Rome, Italy
Inter/Prise Gallerie, Salerno, Italy
1985 Gallerie Schwennenbacher Kreis, Hochstadt, West Germany
Landsberg Gallerie, West Germany
Harvard University Alumni Exhibition, Cambridge, MA
Second Exhibition of Small Sculpture, Fondazione Pagini, Castellanza, Italy
1984 Grand Army Plaza Memorial Arch; Cast Bronze Sculpture, Prospect Park , NYC
1982 Atlantic Gallery Invitational, NYC
1980 Museum of Modern Art; Art Lending Service, Exhibition at D F & S, Inc, NYC
Race Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Ben Shahn Gallery, William Paterson College, Wayne, NJ
1979 Soho Center for Visual Artists, NYC
1978 Rosa Esman Gallery, NYC
1977 Ellen Holtzman Gallery, NYC
1976 Ballentine Annual Art Exhibition, NJ
Gallery 393, NYC
1967 Museum of Modern Art; Photographic Exhibition, "Once Invisible," NYC
Burke, Michael; “Words,” The Round, Fall 2009
Pappas, Theoni; The Mathematics Calendar 2009
October: Mathematics, Physics & Art - The Art of Michael Burke
Rubenstein, Ephraim; A Close Look at Five Contemporary Silverpoint Drawers,
American Artist Drawing, Summer, 2008
Pappas, Theoni; Mathematical Snippets, Wide World Publishing, 2008
Burke, Michael; “Words,” School of Visual Arts, Spring 2008
Michael Burke a investi la Galerie 1816; La Depeche du Midi, Bretenoux, France, 8/2007
Artinfo.com: Editorial pick, 5/23/07
“Science and Sculpture,” Harvard Magazine, Jan-Feb 2007, Anne Eisenberg, Nell Porter Brown.
Burke, Michael; “Visitors,” Essay in The Journal of New Jersey Poets, Spring 2005
Pushcart Prize nomination, 2005
Zoccoli, Franca; Paesaggi Logici con Effetti Personali, Il Manifesto, July 24, 2004
Alessi, Andrea; Dalla Mela ai "Papa:" Una Mostra Avveniristica, Viterbo Corriere, July 7, 2004
Burke, Michael; "Perspective," The Potomac Review, Fall/Winter, 2002
Geissmar-Brandi, Christoph; "Schattenspiele," Festschrift fur Konrad Oberhuber, Electa, 2000
Bentivoglio, Mirella; “Vanishing Points,” Terzio Occhio, Sept. 99
Burke, Michael; "Driving to Florida," Journal of New Jersey Poets, Winter 1998
Burke, Michael; "Reliquaries (and Precision)," Journal of New Jersey Poets, Autumn 1996
Arturo Martini: Sintonie, Exhibition Catalogue, Articles by Nico Stringa
& Enrico Crispolti, 1996
Watkins, Eileen; "Exhibit Features Futuristic Design, Timeless Concepts,"
Newark Star-Ledger, Nov. 19, 1995
Meyerowitz, Jacob; "Reliquaries Exhibit is Imbued with Energy," The Express-Times, Nov. 10, 1995
"Formulas for Thought," The Princeton Packet, Nov. 10, 1995
"Artistic Alchemy...," Hunterdon County Democrat, Nov. 2, 1995
"Sculptures Take Center Stage," Out & About, Oct. 26, 1995
Segno, "Attivita delle Gallerie e Istituzioni," May 1995
Burke, Michael; "Reflections on a Drawing," Journal of New Jersey Poets, Autumn 1994
Bentivoglio, Mirella; Review in Terzo Occhio," Italy, Dec. 1992
Burdick, Marion; "Symbols that Reach Across Time," ARTimes, Oct. 1990
Smith, Helen Mathews; "An Exhibition by Michael Burke: Observers,"
MD Magazine, Oct. 1990
Hoffman, Donald; "Art Journal," The Kansas City Star, Nov. 5, 1989
Finn, David and David Gilmore; "Michael Burke," WPC Artery, Summer 1989
Bentivoglio, Mirella, "I Totem Technologici di Michael Burke," Arte e Cornici,
Milan, Italy, March 20, 1989
Reid, Chris; "An Interview with Michael Burke," Zen Television,
NJ Cable TV, Spring 1989
Watkins, Eileen; "Blending Ancient Images and Modern Visions,"
Newark Star Ledger, Oct. 27, 1988
Sheridan, Sharon; "Michael Burke Artwork Exhibited," NJ Herald, Oct. 9, 1988
Zeamen, John; "Native Talent Comes to the Foreground,"
Hackensack Record, Sept. 25, 1988
"Aluminum as Art Form," The Ridgewood News, Sept. 22, 1988
"Guardians of Runes and Ruins," The Beacon,
William Paterson College, Sept. 19, 1988
"WPC Sculpture Exhibit Explores Connections Between Ancient and Modern Cultures,"
The Observer, Sept. 11, 1988
Shapiro, David; "A Melancholy of Science," Guardians of Runes and Ruins,
Exhibition Catalogue, Ben Shahn Galleries, July 1988
Korsawe, Hans-Dieter; "Der Mensch im Mittlepunk," Donau-Zeitung,
West Germany, Nov 8, 1985
Burke, Michael; Record Album Cover Illustrations, Songs by Harry Chapin;
Legends of the Lost and Found, 1979
Dance Band on the Titanic, 1977
On the Road to Kingdom Come, 1976; Elektra/Asylum Records
Burke, Michael; Harry Chapin Programs, Production & Layout, 1978, 1980
Burke, Michael & T. J. Thomas; The Transportation Impact of Large Scale Development, Fox Hills, 1974
Burke, Michael; Urbanism, Encyclopaedia article, Transworld Publications, 1973
Louis R. Gary & Michael Burke; The Collapse of Non-Public Education: Rumor or Reality?
Volumes I & II, 1971
"Come Along," Music and Lyrics by Michael Burke
Burke, Michael & David Seader; "Fun City, An Urban Planning Game," The Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the National Gaming Council, 1970
Burke, Michael; Sky and Telescope, Cover Photograph, March 1964
Editorial Consultant, Holt, Rinehart & Winston
Geometry and Algebra Textbook Application Features, 1986-7
Project Manager: Environmental Impact Assessment Statements
Quirk, Lawler & Matusky, Engineers, Old Tappan, N.Y., 1974-5
Assistant Professor: Columbia University, 1971-5
Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning
Courses taught: Environmental Studies and Methods, Urban Transportation,
New Towns, and Planning Techniques,
Director: Consolidated Edison Planning Project
Architectural Association, London, England, 1972
Co-Project Director: Study of the Transportation Effects of Large Scale Development,
Fox Hills, Staten Island, N.Y., 1973-4
Planning Consultant: Frederick R. Harris, Engineers, N.Y.C. 1968
Director of Research: The Report on Nonpublic Education in the State of New York, 1970-1
Transportation Planner: Office of Midtown Planning & Development, The Office of the Mayor, N.Y.C., 1969-70
Smithsonian Institution; Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 1963-70
Assistant to the Secretary for Administration:
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1967
Station Manager: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observing Station
Shiraz, Iran, 1966-67
Project Supervisor: Geodetic Camera Development Program
Cambridge, Mass. 1965-66
Camera Field Technician: Meteor Simulation Project
Wallops Island, Virginia, 1964-65
Station Operation: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
Hawaii, Mass., and Florida, 1963-64
1984 Fourth International Sculpture Symposium, West Germany
1983 Third International Sculpture Symposium, West Germany
1970 William Kinne Fellows Memorial Traveling Fellowship
1969 M.S. in Urban Planning, Columbia University
1960 B.A. in Architectural Sciences cum laude, Harvard University